We will be making clear slime today, I learned this method at my schools science club. Before making a slime make sure to get the listed equipment.
Landry starch, Boric acid, Air tight container (like ziplock bag), Spoon, Coffee Spoon, Towel, Plastic bottle, Mask, and gloves
Lets start our experiment, first lets make some Boric acid water. To make this liquid, first use the plastic bottle and pour in 1 Cup of water. Second use the Coffee spoon to pour in the Boric Acid, then shake well.
Third use the Air tight Container and pour in 2 spoons of Laundry starch. Use the Boric acid water and pour in a spoon in the Container, then mix well.
After mixing there will be a solid material they formed that is clear slime. It will take time to be clear though. The slime should look like this.
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